Be Prepared for the Outdoors - Cape Elizabeth Land Trust


Be Prepared for the Outdoors

Spring has finally arrived, inviting us to head outdoors and enjoy the warm temperatures. Before you make your way to the trails, be sure you are up to date on tick bite prevention methods!

Earlier this month, CELT hosted a tick panel discussion at Pond Cove Elementary to promote tick awareness and bite prevention. Special thanks to our panelists, Chuck Lubelczyk from the Maine Medical Research Center, Griffin Dill from UMaine’s Tick Lab, Cape High School’s nurse Deb Braxton and Pond Cove Parent Association president Cori Ketcham. We were also very grateful to have Town Tree Warden, Todd Robbins, as our moderator. The evening was full of great questions and conversations among the panelists and attendees. The biggest take away from all four panelists was that we should not be afraid to enjoy the outdoors and instead we need be prepared. Just like applying sunscreen and wearing a hat at the beach is second nature, so should taking steps to prevent tick bites.

The top recommendations from the panelists included:

  • Wear long pants and sleeves
  • Apply repellent
  • Perform tick checks on yourself, your children and your pets
  • Stay in the center of trails
  • Dry clothes on high heat for 10-15 minutes after being in a tick habitat
  • Take the same precautions when working in your yard

You can learn more prevention methods from the UMaine Tick Lab, including how to send in a tick if found on your body.

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